First blog post! - advice needed on competition images
Hi all
Okay, it's Friday night and I've got no friends, LOL. Just kidding, I'm just going to hang out at home, get some stuff done and take a bubble bath with perhaps a glass of wine. Ya, that's it!
Okay, trying to figure out what to enter for competition this year. I have so many images I cannot decide. I'll post a couple here for you. Please tell me which are your faves.
These are from the Brooklyn bridge last October. Thoughts?
Here are some more from around NYC.
And some scenic images:
Some editorial style stuff:
Some portraits:
Some weddings:
So I need to pick 4 only. Opinions please?
Thanks, Dar
Hi Dar: I think you will need to edit these down even further before asking to pick four. There are many wonderful images here but you have to be more "brutal" in editing. It's the hardest when it's your own stuff, but it is a good skill to hone.
You should be watching the football game instead:)
Hey Christine
This is just the first round of editing. I'm torn over which direction to go - more portait/wedding or more commercial/fine art.
There are categories for all but I have to pick a direction. I'm leaning towards fine art/editiorial.
As for watching the game, TV doesn't work in my house since I turned off the cable a year ago. Have to resort to reading and such.
These would be my choices.
1. Brooklyn bridge
shot of all the wires. Love the symetry. But I think that there is a similar shot that was done in 2004. Look in Envision 2004 "ascension" Sabrina Campbell. Same idea, different bridge.
2. NY
Fire Hall
3. NZ but the branch has to be cropped a bit in on the left side???
4. Portraits
tram lady
5. Weddings
Little boy!!!!!!!!
Bride on stairs
Last shot with the car is cool but it is very contrasty
Those are my picks!
going to shoot at 2.30. Later
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