Monday, January 29, 2007

Okay, midlife crisis confirmed!

Okay, you can all say it - I'm officially losing it!

I've now bought a bikini (yet to be worn in public, but Nadine is working on that) and pierced my navel. Yes you read right, I pierced my belly button. Well I didn't do it, a professional did. Honestly I think my pain tolerance is higher than I thought, cause it really wasn't that bad.

Oh, and Carla you can have another good laugh at my expense - I'm playing floor hockey of all things. Again due to Nadine but I figured - why not?! So here's me - geekiest kid in Jr. High and High School - running, lifting weights and playing on an actual sports team! Who'd a thunk it?!

When I told my sister she replied with "What the . . . ???? Who are you and what did you do with the real Dar?" That's pretty much it in a nutshell. I'm not the same person I once was - and thank god! For those of you couch potatoes - get off your butts and get exercise, it feels great! With a birthday ending in a big fat ZERO looming on the not to distant horizon - I vowed to be in the best shape possibly of my whole life. So far so good, and I highly recommend it. Kelly would be so proud!

So, no photos today - maybe I'll do one of the belly button and post it later. Just a quick update as to what I'm up to on a personal level.

On a photography level I'm working on selling my Fine Art work. I have it in various galleries around Edmonton and am building a sales team to get out there and work for me. If you know someone in the art world or in sales that is interested in making some extra money - please put them in touch with me.

I also have a pretty big project in mind - publishing a book of my work and poetry combined. More to come on that later as I work out the details and who is participating. If you know a poet that would like to be part of it, have them email me.

Ciao for now!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

4 Generations

My sister Carla, great grandmother "Grammy", grandmother "Nana Vicky" and baby Carter.

Father and son's hands and feet, Carter and Troy.

more baby photos? Me this time!

Well, I had to dig these out for a seminar I'm going to so thought I'd share them with everyone.

Here is me at birth. Yikes, looks like my doc was a little rough with the forcepts. Luckily I heal well, LOL.

Now how cute was I as a brownie?! I'm about 8 or 10 here I think.

With my great aunt Margaret that I share a birthday with. I'm about 10 there for sure. My sister is on the left, she's about 5.

Now I'm about 19 or so, I think. Hard to date photos with no dates written on the back. Note to all parents - date your photos!

And full circle to now with my sister and new nephew Christmas day.