Current Exhibit - Glenrose Rehab Center
Fine Art Exhibit
Glenrose Rehabilitation Center
10230-111 Avenue
I currently have some of my work displayed at this location. To find it go in main entrance and turn left down the hall to the blue curved wall on the right hand side.
If you visit, please leave a comment or email me.
Sofia Machado's first birthday
Ever seen a house on stilts? Mine was!
Hi all
Time for a house update. NO I didn't tear my house down and build a duplex. It became too expensive a project to complete by myself. So . . . I dug up the basement of the old one (with my bare hands, yeah right, LOL) and put in a new foundation.
Now, on a house built in 1918 this is a sneaky trick, especially if the garage is attached and you can't lift the house or it will rip off the garage roof. This is how it was done:
So that was April. It is all mostly done now except for some landscaping. Wow, what a project. For those of you that have ever renovated you know what I'm talking about.
Quote of the day and new links!
Hi all
Back with a new look blog. I've added some new links - welcome to Linda Crawford who is an amazing women and personal mentor. She is inspiring me along my journey of fitness and health. Please visit her site and her blog at:
Linda's Blog
Fit 4 You
If you want to get fit, strong, and healthy - she is your woman!
I've also added a quote of the day to the bottom of the page. Return daily to read it.
Thanksgiving update
Hi all
Hope you all had a great long weekend. I myself cooked my second ever turkey and it turned out great, if I do say so myself. My Mom seems to think that 4 of us need a 15 lb turkey, I think she's outta her mind! Next year if I'm doing it again, it'll be maybe 10lbs. We've got turkey for a week for all of us! Got any creative recipes you'd like to share for left overs, please do.
So I have started a dance class with my friend Nadine. It's more like aerobics with dance moves, but is fun. Get's us moving and it isn't boring, so we are enjoying it. She trying to convince me to play floor hockey in the winter - we'll see. Never say never. If you are doing something interesting activity wise, let me know.
I'm actually going to be doing some trade of services with a lady that does personal training. If you want to get fit or a new program, she can help. She's awesome, her name is Linda and you can see her info at: Fit 4 You
I also highly recommend the Living Fitt program offered by Personal Best Seminars. Linda teaches that one here in Edmonton too. Is a 12 week session that gives you information on fitness, health, and internal factors that influence success. You can see info on that at: Living FITT
In line with self improvement, many of you know I've done the whole Personal Best line up. I highly recommend it to anyone. It's not about fixing yourself or a magic pill, but if you feel there is any area of your life - money, relationships, career, happiness, self esteem, health - that could be working better for you, this may be the right course for you. They are currently offering an amazing offer that is the level one ($997 value) for FREE if you book it this year as is their anniversary. You can see info on the program here: Personal Best Seminars
That's all for now. Ta Ta, Darlene
Run update!
SO! Yesterday I ran - yes RAN - my first 5km race. The Run for the Cure to benefit breast cancer. It was amazing!!! Thanks to Shelly Takacs and Valentina who were my running partners. We encouraged each other on when we were getting tired and managed to beat the time we thought we'd get. We ended up with 38 minutes. Pretty darn good we thought. Dean I'll beat your best time next year ;-)
I joined her team "Breast Friends Dragon Boat" - (no I'm not boating) - and our team of 36 some women raised over $22,000 for the cause which was good enough to get us top Women's team fund raisers. There are a few of the team that are themselves survivors. As a woman this is a cause we can all feel touched by.
Here are some photos of us before and after. I wish I had some during - 15,000+ people on one street is a lot of people! But, go figure I didn't bring a camera. So thanks to my Mom for taking these.
Our group before we started. Looking fresh and a bit anxious. Also just glad it wasn't raining!
Me right after finishing with a look of "Man I'm hot, what layer can I take off!" Major hat hair or what! But I felt great.
My girls after finishing - group hug, we did it!
Even the dogs got in on the act. This is Jazzy.
Now they're talking about the Melissa run in Banff next year which is 10km! Okay, I better get training. Who-da thunk - me an athete, go figure.
For those of you that didn't get a chance to donate, it isn't too late. If you wish to do so and sponsor me, you can do it by;
1. Or, you can contact me at this e-mail address
2. Or, you can visit donate online directly. Just click on this link:
My donation page for Run for the Cure
Thanks to all of you that already did! I turned in all those donations already and was almost at $800 - thanks everyone for helping me make my goal!